Photos of Warm Coats For Cool Kids Events
2023 Photos
Packing the car for the coat distribution at Queen Bee School District.
Set up - displaying the coats so the children can “shop” for their new coats.
So many options…
We are fortunate to have so many great volunteers, including the exceptional students from St. Francis Prep School in Wheaton.
Elmhurst Art In The Park
Warm Coats For Cool Kids participated at Art In The Park with a Community Partners Booth. Our Key Club volunteers and our friend volunteers helped the young artists create a canvas panel for a small donation.
Our first coat distribution event was held at the Elm Court apartments October 3, 2021. Warm Coats for Cool Kids conducted the coat distribution in conjunction with the We Pop Up organization, the Bensenville Wood Dale Rotary Club, and the Elmhurst Rotary Club. The event was a great success, 171 coats were distributed and another 82 coat orders were taken.
Board members and volunteers sorting coats for the October 3rd distribution. Yes, those are pinball machines the coats are being sorted on.
Our volunteers setting up for the event.
Getting the coats organized and ready for shopping.
Fundraisers were held on September 11 and 18th
The Vaccaro’s held fundraisers to benefit Warm Coats for Cool Kids. Friends, neighbors, and relatives enjoyed live music, great Mexican food from a local restaurant, conversation, and pinball at the Vaccaro pinball arcade. Thank you to our friends at Jackthemanabouttown for sponsoring the fundraisers.